Think Small

I know! I know! Everyone says to think big. I say think small….More at:





I know!  I know!  Everyone says to think BIG if you want to be successful.  Well, I think that the best thing you can do is to think small.  If we all would think small, then we would worry about one transaction at a time to make it special for our customers.

We would think about every single customer as we come into contact with him or her and focus on that customer only, for that moment.

We would focus on one child at a time and make that child feel special.

As leaders, we would focus on each and every employee and give each one time alone so we could get to know him or her better and know how we could help this individual employee.

If we think small, we would pay attention to each meal we serve in our restaurants and focus on doing that dish perfectly.

If we think small, we will see every piece of litter on the ground and pick it up.

If we think small, we will worry about every show to make sure it is the best it can be.

So when you are thinking about your goals, think BIG . . .but when you are performing your role, think small!   . . . Lee

PS: A new book just came out. I was a contributing author and wrote chapter 20. The book’s title is The Organization of the Future 2. This book was published by the Leader to Leader Institute. My chapter is titled, The Organization of the Future Will Foster an Inclusive Environment. This is an excellent book for all of you out there trying to improve your organization. I will continue to give you book recommendations for your personal development, that I have found valuable.

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