Moment of Truth for Customers

Creating Disney Magic Episode 418 Moment of Truth for CustomersToday Jody and I talk about the moment of truth for customers. What is the moment of truth? It is that moment when your commercial comes in contact with the product. That is the moment where you know if what your customer gets aligns with what you promised.

Marketing and sales teams set high expectations. As the leader, we must ask if our product can live up to the promise. Can we achieve the moment of truth for a customer with what we offer? Whether it is service, quality, or the overall experience and aesthetic, every business has to make good on what the public was sold. Walk through what you present to customers to make sure you are executing the work correctly.

Everyone has expectations. Do the expectations people have for your business align with the reality in what you are doing? As a manager, it is our job to focus on that moment of truth. Are we meeting expectations? Even as individuals, are we living up to our personal brand and our reputation? Are you practicing what you preach?Are people colliding their expectations with reality getting them hurt in the process?

Marketing gets people in the door. However, the way your operation delivers on their promise is what makes customers want to return. Repeat business is the best business. It does not cost you to keep customers. You just have to deliver on what you promise.

Magical Vacation Planners is one company that delivers on what they promise. They can help you plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.


About Lee Cockerell

Mainstreet Leader
Cockerell Academy
Ron Logan Tribute Episode