How to Stand Out When You Are Understaffed

Creating Disney Magic Episode 422 How to stand out when you are understaffed

Today, Jody and I are tackling the question of Matthew Miller. Many places are understaffed, so how can employees make the best of a bad situation in their work environment?

Be the light where you work. A strong employee becomes synonymous with a company for customers. You can represent your business. You may have to dig deep during times of stress, but your commitment will show through.

Focus on a great product. Make it a point to acknowledge the customer. For a customer, there is nothing worse than having an issue and people acting like there is nothing wrong. Don’t stay silent. Find what you can do specifically to make each encounter as positive as possible. Peer pressure is a strong influence, so when you are positive, it will carry over.

Providing consistent service can cover a multitude of evils. People are more likely to put up with things like delays if they are confident of receiving a quality product and good communication. It doesn’t matter if you are short-staffed, you can still take care of your customer.

If you have a question, make sure to reach out at

One company that is great about absorbing inconveniences and unavoidable complications during travel is Magical Vacation Planners. They can help you plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.


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