Are you guilty or innocent?
A few years ago the Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy was forced to resign from his position, and he was a Vice Admiral (three stars).
With one bad decision, which was grabbing a sentry by the wrist when he was asked for his ID upon entering the Naval Academy in civilian clothes, his career was ended. An investigation of the incident proceeded and the following was found.
The charge that forced him to retire was that he was guilty of a General Failure to Promote Good Morale.
- He was found guilty of intimidating people below him by abusing his position and authority.
- He was found guilty of screaming at subordinates.
- He was found guilty of questioning his subordinates with intensity with a raised voice and in an aggressive tone.
In the business world many managers would be found guilty of a general failure to promote good morale even though this is one of their main responsibilities. Are you innocent or guilty?
What are people saying about you behind your back? Are you creating an environment of trust? Are you building self esteem and self confidence in others or tearing it down?
Creating a healthy environment, inspiring your direct reports, and promoting good morale is your responsibility as a leader at work and at home.
As I always say, “Be careful what you say and do because “they” are watching you and judging you. . . Lee