Are you getting your team motivated and educated each day so they can perform to the best of their ability. How often do you really coach them?
Why Should You Hold a pre-shift Meeting Before You Start The Day???????
- To communicate with the Team.
- To tell the employees what is important.
- To thank the employees for their great work.
- To answer any questions.
- To provide knowledge.
- To find out what they need.
- To INSPIRE your employees.
Be a Coach!
You should have pre-shift meetings to get ready to play the big game every day. Just like in sports, we all need to know what plays we are going to run . . . and we need to know personally what role we each play to ensure winning . . . and for us, that is making sure that every customer that deals with your organization has an excellent experience.
YOU have more to do with that than anyone else. Remind your team every day how important they are to customer satisfaction no matter what position they play. Backstage roles and onstage roles both make the show come off professionally each and every day. Pay attention to this and you will win more often…Lee