Ask People What They Learned

Creating Disney Magic Episode 528 Ask people what they learned

“Teach people, they’ll get better. And, if you’re not learning every day, you’re getting behind.”

After a meeting or events it is always good to ask yourself, “what did I learn?” This was put into action at the last Creating Magic Mastermind. We wrapped up by asking everyone to share one key takeaway they gained from our time together. This seemingly simple exercise turned out to be impactful for everyone in the room.

People shared how they found fresh perspectives, discovered unexpected solutions, and, most importantly, realized they’re not alone in their challenges. They also shared things like:

  • Cross-pollination of ideas opened new horizons.
  • Becoming an expert in your field is invaluable.
  • The importance of taking action NOW, not later.
  • Leadership is often a lonely journey, but connecting with fellow leaders can be incredibly cathartic.

Continuous education and genuine connection can dramatically improve your personal and professional life. This is even more true when you ask people what they’ve learned. It not only reinforces the importance of the lessons but also builds lasting trust and camaraderie.

If you’re navigating through complex challenges, remember that you’re not alone. There’s always something to learn and someone who’s been in your shoes. Keep investing in yourself. Trust me, it pays off. And if you are looking for a people to connect with watch for information about our next Creating Magic Mastermind in 2025. I’d love to have you there.


The Cockerell Academy

About Lee Cockerell

Mainstreet Leader

Jody Maberry

Travel Guidance

Magical Vacation Planners are my preferred travel advisors. Reach out to have them help plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

Notable Moments

02:17 Feedback and learning reinforce opportunities for improvement and growth.

04:33 Mastermind meetings encourage openness and candid discussions.

05:53 Reflections from Mastermind Attendees

12:48 The Power of Sincerity and Gratitude