Handling Conflict in the Workplace

Creating Disney Magic Episode 407 Handling Conflict in the WorkplaceToday Jody and I are taking a look at how to handle conflict in the workplace. After reading a recent article featuring a conflict between airline pilots, the question of how to handle situations like this has been front of mind.

As a leader, you must remain cool, calm, and collected; especially where conflict is involved. Your ability to be focused and get the job done safely is a huge part of leadership. When you lose your composure, you run the risk of making the wrong decisions.

When you lead, you need to be able to set people at ease and get the job done safely. If you are handling a conflict between employees, how you respond is key. After all, people are watching to see what you will do. As a leader, you need to be sure that you do the following:

  • Get to the bottom of the conflict
  • Determine fault and necessary disciplinary action
  • Take stock of the bigger picture and be willing to send the necessary message to other team members.

It is important to deal with conflict as soon as possible. Don’t wait. The sooner you deal with it, the better it will be. Have a standard you operate by and get in front of the situation. As a leader, you set the baseline for how your organization handles conflict. Make sure you are reinforcing it among your team.


If you are taking a vacation, don’t get stuck troubleshooting if things go wrong. Make sure you contact Magical Vacation Planners for your next trip and let them handle the surprise for you. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

There is still room for our next Creating Magic Mastermind in October. If you are interested, reach out to Jody or myself for more information via jodymaberry.com or leecockerell.com

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