The Real Reasons Work Doesn't Get Done (Podcast)

Creating Disney Magic podcast Lee Cockerell Jody MaberrySometimes work doesn’t get done because of team members. Sometimes work doesn’t get done because of bad policies, poor communication, or a number of other institutional reasons.

The real reason work doesn’t get done is because of poor project management and poor time management. In this episode of Creating Disney Magic, Lee examines ways we can all get more work done.

We are recording the modules for the Time Management Magic course. If you want to be one of the first to know when the course is available, you can add your name to the list here.

1 Comment
  1. Bravo Lee! Great job. You are one in a million. Great content, suggestions, ideas and advice.
    BTW, for those of you reading this, if you ever have a chance to experience Lee delivering a live program, you will love him and his message, and come away from it with a better vision for your success in the future.

    Frank Candy
    Author and Olympic Gold Medal Winner
    American Speakers Bureau Corp.

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