This post tells why I had a few problems in my career. I got fired once and passed over once because of my need to be different and to challenge the status quo. My career ended up quite well but the journey was full of stressful times. I am glad I was always me instead of the typical organizations do everything by the book leader….I learned that high risk can either cause big problems or big payoffs. Doing the right thing is not easy. Today I glad I did it my way….I have no regrets…Merry Christmas…..Lee
Leadership Caffeine: Dare to Be Different-If You Dare
It’s good to be a good leader, so don’t misconstrue the message in this post. The world needs more individuals that care enough to consistently execute the blocking and tackling required to pass for effective leadership. My issue here is that good isn’t good enough, when the potential to be great at this activity that we call leading is within reach.
Often, the distance of the reach to “great” is slightly beyond the cultural norms and leadership habits of the firm.
Leadership Anthropology and the Rituals of Leaders:
Let’s back up for a second. If there were such a creature as a Leadership Anthropologist that spent his/her time studying the leadership development rituals and practices inside these closed ecosystems we call organizations, I suspect that one of the consistent observations would focus on the impact that the alpha-managers have on the development of the overall leadership culture. The observation might even be labeled as “Mimicry.”
The top leaders of a firm directly impact the prevailing leadership culture through their own practices and attention (or lack thereof) to the tasks of identifying and supporting the development of talent.
Show me a firm where the top executives engage with employees, talk openly about tough performance and organizational issues and focus on genuinely supporting talent development, and you’ll more than likely find managers at all strata acting in similar fashion.
Alternatively, spend some time at a safe distance observing the rituals of top leaders that are otherwise focused on the transactional issues of day-to-day business and that rule with an imperial mentality, and you will likely observe that the rest of the tribe focuses on these transactional issues as well. The lower priority people development tasks are reduced to simple, empty routines such as the often banal and inane annual performance review programs.
While generalizing is always problematic, in my own experience, I most often end up engaging with conscientious individuals working for firms that represent the latter example. These individuals intuitively understand the importance of great leadership and great talent-development practices, but find themselves struggling as outsiders and outliers. Instead of transactional hunters, they aspire to sew and cultivate talent, but find little support beyond lip service for these important activities.
A Quiet Revolutionary at Work:
In one example, a conversation with a manager at a highly regarded firm went something like this: “We’re great at recruiting the talent. Heck, people in this industry want to work here. Unfortunately, once we get them here, spend the time to evaluate and place them into our very sophisticated talent evaluation system, there’s nothing on the other side that pro-actively supports their development. They spend a few years, put in the time and then go off to richer development and career opportunities with our competitors. We’re training the industry,” he added.
Recognizing the folly of this cultural norm, this professional has taken it upon himself to serve as an informal mentor for many of the firm’s recruits, volunteering precious schedule and personal time to help right a wrong and do his part to change the culture for the better.
“It’s reached the point now where people seek me out based on reputation. I don’t mind that and in fact, I feel like it is my unspoken, unwritten responsibility to do what I can to help our firm get better at the development tasks of leadership. It’s been noticed, and some of my peers are following suit.”
This manager dares to be different and the efforts are making a difference. What about you? What are you doing that transcends the transactional culture of your firm to strengthen your leadership practices and perhaps to catalyze an evolution or revolution in your firm’s practices?
5 Ideas for You to Dare to Be Great-If You Dare
1. Trust your gut on the need for quiet revolution. Again, if you are here reading this, you already intuitively understand how important it is to step up your own and your firm’s leadership practices. It’s time to put your convictions to work.
2. Forget waiting for permission and forget waiting for someone or some group to solve leadership problems with new programs. You don’t need permission to innovate around your own leadership practices and there is no program that magically changes a culture. Great practices develop and spread one manager at a time.
3. Think and act like a quiet leadership rebel. The greatest leaders that I’ve encountered have redefined the system over time instead of conforming to it. Ensure that your “rebellious activities” are focused on allowing people to better serve, support and to create value for customers and for the firm and you’ll find that it’s difficult to end up in trouble.
4. Let your results be your best recruiting efforts. Like the colleague above who is now widely sought after for mentoring help, or that particular leader in a firm that everyone wants to work for, your consistent and genuine commitment to pushing the envelope on practices while delivering results will be your best recruiting tool. You will gain converts from your peers. Not all, but some.
5. Once results are visible, draw the “establishment” into your activities by asking for help. You personally don’t need help, but it’s amazing how much support you will get when you appeal to someone’s expertise. A conscientious executive team or HR group will jump at the opportunity to help you formalize a program that shows the ability to make a difference in a firm’s effectiveness. The difference here is that you didn’t go to them to ask for a program from scratch. You went to them with results and asked for help strengthening and formalizing. Instead of conforming, you helped redefine the system!
The Bottom-Line for Now
Daring to be different is not without some potential pain and cost. Most revolutions and revolutionaries face resistance and take casualties. Only you can decide whether you are comfortable putting yourself on the line. It’s much safer to conform. The only cost of conforming is your leadership soul.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Amy, Lee Cockerell. Lee Cockerell said: This is why I had a couple of problems in career!: This post tells why I had a few problems in my career. I got.. […]
Since I found & read your book several months ago, it has become that reading your articles & post is what inspires me to want to be better.
I work for a company that I feel like another number that walks through the door. I have been vocal about areas of approvement and it has fallen on deaf ears.
I am now in a place of evaluation of is my purpose here done, since I have stood against many challenges.
Thank you, Lee! for being the person that has given me hope to contine to satisfy my soul.